Saturday 2 May 2009


The sole intention of this blog was to keep my children's book work separate from my other drawings but I've caved in a little bit and thought that maybe one or two wouldn't hurt from time to time, if only to add a big splash of colour.

I've always had a huge fascination with monsters but although I love the idea of them, I wouldn't want to be stuck in the middle of the woods with them. And I really wouldn't want to be eaten by them, having my leftovers left dangling in the branches of the trees for the birds to pick at. I just wouldn't fancy that at all.

Not that there would be any leftovers, I'd be a juicy bit of monster fodder- and far too tasty to waste.


John said...

Very unique blog.
Great presentation.
Fantastic pictures. Wow...

I like your blog.

Let's join green community to save our planet from destruction in the future. Together we can make a difference. We can reduce global warming. Find the methode, tips and great solution to make a better place in the world. We can help our next generation to enjoy a green planet. Act now!

Please share this website to your friends and family.

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Keep blogging.
Good day.

Carla Andrade Silva said...

It's fantastic. Great composition and colours.

Leighton Noyes said...

Gracias Carla, eso es cosa encantadora a decir.

And many thanks to you also, John.